Here are the nuts and bolts.

  1. Be strategic.
  2. Understand the logic
  3. Have fun!

Pattern Hurdler is an endless fish swimming game that works a little differently than most runner-type games.

With its unique button-go about ability when clicked, a button will move around randomly and extra attention will be needed, making the game fun and extra challenging. (Some will love it, while others will despise it :D).  

The buttons include 3 jumping modes labeled as "Low, Medium, and High."  "Low" will have a lower jumping force compared to "Medium" and "High" modes.

This is all randomized per jump clicked. :)  Pattern Hurdler includes a leaderboard system and high-scores can be submitted. You can review the scores in the game or here.

Live Leaderboard

 Name - Score

Also available on

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